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Saturday, March 08, 2008

A different meme

Just because I feel the need to 'get back on the horse'... and that 7 weird things meme has been so, like done

The One Word Challenge

1. Where is your mobile phone? handbag
2. Your significant other? sleeping
3. Your hair? up
4. Your mother? babysitting
5. Your father? riding
6. Favorite thing? reading
7. Dream last night? swimming-pool
8. Favorite drink? milk
9. Your dream/goal? happiness
10. Room you’re in? messy
11. Your ex? scary
12. Your fear? greyness
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? relaxed
14. Where were you last night? home
15. What you’re not? slender!
16. Muffins? chocolate
17. One of your wish list items? ring
18. Where you grew up? canberra
19. The last thing you did? knitted
20. What are you wearing? jeans
21. Your TV? on
22. Your pet? sleeping
23. Your computer? sloooooow
24. Your life? blessed
25. Your mood? ok
26. Missing someone? Yes!!!!
27. Your car? functional
28. Something you’re not wearing? makeup
29. Favorite store? Ikea
30. Your summer? declining
31. Like someone? Yes
32. Your favorite color? Orange
33. When is the last time you laughed? 1pm

Instead of tagging people, I reckon you should do it if you're currently wearing any item of red clothing. And I'll know.