We thought we'd got some dud bulbs. And when the foliage died away we figured we'd dig them up. Until we saw these weird little prehistoric looking things coming up from the soil.
And they turned into these...
They're n a k e d ladies. Or Belladonna lilies. But I use the former because 'my garden is full of belladonna lilies' won't bring in the punters...
(Of course I'm putting spaces in the word so that my blog doesn't start attracting freaks looking for pictures of women in no clothes. Freaks generally don't bother me. Just those looking for scantily clad females.)
Aren't they gorgeous. Big, beautiful bunches of lilies, on thick, sturdy, leafless stalks. They were so worth waiting for!
On an aside, there is a little sculpture in our garden - a refugee from our bathroom. And she's literally a n a k e d lady.
well the punters would be disappointed but I'm not - they're gorgeous! I love the kinds of bulbs that have the foliage die away and THEN the flowers come out. Autumn crocuses do that too!
And I thought all those spaces where just for emphasis, a kind of pronunciation clue, so I kept reading it with a kind of cool-cat-afro-american-Shaft movie accent, like naaaakeeeeed ladies....
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