Keeping track of things kids say by scribbling them on a piece of paper and sticking them in a jar...
George and I would have had a few last friday when we met up at the National Museum with the kiddlie-winks... The kids did some painting which was part of an indigenous art display, then we went outside with [lukewarm] coffee to
Last night would have yielded a couple of memories too as Lily shouted 'You're a meanie' at the arsehole who owns The Front in Lyneham and threatened to call Astroboy to come and 'teach him a lesson' . After last time this man/establishment is should be named the 'knitters nemisis' after a second 'shunning of knitters'.
our regular Monday at Tilley's wasn't to be as there was a concert on. QuiltingMick acted quickly to find an alternative and rang The Front, asked if they were 1. open and 2 amenable to a group of 10-15 of us coming in. No problem, she was told. But when we turned up last night there was a problem. A private function. I suspect this function wasn't put on at the last minute just to ensure that our renegade group of knitters could not congregate, but I wouldn't put it past that mob. Anyhoo, we decided to adjourn to All Bar Nun and asked if we could put a note up. Sure. But by the time we drove past the establishment, the note had disappeared. So Bells popped back in to put it back up. Up went the note again, and this time we watched as the bastard took it down. If they didn't want us there then they should have just said so. If he doesn't want financially secure (you'd have to be with a yarn habit), artistically minded, vocal women frequenting his venue then fuck him. I won't lose any sleep. I will however probably design a badge so that the world can know what a poor example of customer service that establishment provides.
Apologies for the swearing.
ooh that thing with Astro Boy was just too funny!
hear hear! Swear all you like. I'd swear in my post about it but my mum reads my blog!
That Astroboy thing has been keeping me cheered up all day. Lily is a scream. She can come back any time!
Great idea! Its just I'm usually laughing to hard to be able to write them down...
Lily has a very finely tuned sense of social justice. Wonder where she gets *that* from?? Go Astroboy and SuperLil!
I would have PAID to see and hear Lily last night!
this guy has no idea just who he is pissing off, does he?
what goes around comes around!
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