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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Coffee and a Tea Party

I've been tired. My beloved little Paddle-pop has cut three teeth in as many weeks and - for whatever reason - still wakes at least twice a night to feed. So I've become a little 'devoted' to my coffee. Those who know me will attest that I have rather an addictive personality. So imagine my dismay when the other morning i measured my last two heaped spoons of ground coffee into the plunger...

And didn't realise that I'd not replaced the glass canister. I salvaged enough for one cup.

I also held a little tea party for Nath and LilyPad the other day. Avalonne had told me that there was a new French Patisserie in the Belconnen Markets (where the scungy takeaway used to be). So I had to try it, you know, because I might need to recommend it to someone... Anyhoo I got me some pecan pies and set up Lil's little table with the 'good' linen (which gets used all the time) and the wedgewood vase with some pansies, and some coffee for us (natch) and chocolate milk for Lil.

Our coffee ended up mocha because Lil kept serving us 'more tea maaaad am [madam]' .Paddy just got a rusk. Raw deal for him, because those pies nearly blew my socks off. Just devine - and with a slight bourbon flavour and huge chunks of delicious chocolate.


Bells said...

No it was me who told you about the patisserie! I'm sure of it!

Fabulous little party. What fun!

AMCSviatko said...

I have a spare unbroken plunger and a slightly damaged one.

You want?

Denise said...

Ooops! Sleep deprivation does that, doesn't it #p

Love the sound of your tea party, and the new patisserie sounds excellent (if dangerous)!