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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

You the stinkiest I ever seen...

I was just surfing the net and overheard Lil in the shower. She plays in the shower by herself for a while after the water's been turned off so it can be entertaining to hear her chatter... Tonight she had a little posse of dinosaurs and they were saying 'You the stinkiest I ever seen' 'Pwah, you even more stinky' and ' poohwee you stink, move away..' As Nath went to get her out of the shower, I stopped him so that he could listen to her banter too. We giggled, but agreed we should probably tell her not to say mean things like that to others (it starts with taunting the dinosaurs and next thing she'll be bullying everyone at daycare).

But upon investigation we found the storyline behind the game.

She had pooed in the shower. She and the dino's had huddled in the opposite corner of the shower throwing insults at the offending item. Like it was the poo's fault that it smelled.

Parenthood is sooo glamorous.


Bells said...

oh my Lord. I so didn't see where that was going!!!

SadieandLance said...

Ha that is hilarious! At least it wasn't floating in the bath!

Anonymous said...

you said it!

Reenie said...

Hilarious !

Universal City Paving Contractors said...

Great blog, thanks for posting this.